Wednesday, 7 February 2018

 Sacramental Programme

        Congratulations to our pupils on the Sacramental Programme.  On Wednesday the pupils started the next part of their journey when they and their parents met in school with Father Peter and the church team.  On Sunday at the 9.45am Mass they were presented to Father and the congregation.  We shall be praying for them.

    Great Start To The New Year

     The Christmas season has come to end but the birth of Jesus will never be forgotten. We have had a great start to the New Year.  We had a fantastic response to the  collection for the Refuge and our non-uniform day raised £200 to help resettle a Syrian refugee family. Thank you everyone.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

On Christmas Eve, lots of our pupils went to Midnight Mass at church. We had a procession with baby Jesus and placed him in the crib. Father Peter lit a the final Christmas candle.
When it was the Advent read-around, two of our team danced to Silent Night. They choreographed it themselves. It took along time but it was worth it in the end. It really helped us to prepare for Christmas.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Raffle Raise £100

At Parents’ Evening, we had a raffle and raised £100.00! We decided to donate it to Diversion which is a charity that supports families who have been through the worst. All of these children have a disability and have had surgery.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Celebrating Chaplaincy

Last week our new Year 5 members of the Chaplaincy Team had a fantastic day celebrating chaplaincy at Fisher More with other teams from our local schools. In the morning all the teams gave a little presentation and then did lots of interesting and fun activities. The theme for the day was 'I can make a difference'. 

Our Mass to celebrate All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance.

In November we think about the Saints – the well-known ones and the ordinary people who have done their best to live as God wants them to. We pray they will inspire us to do our best.  We also remember our family and friends who have died. We pray for, and give thanks for, the brave men and women who have died in the wars and conflicts around the world.  Father Peter celebrated our Mass with us and the members of our families who were able to attend.

  Sacramental Programme         Congratulations to our pupils on the Sacramental Programme.   On Wednesday the pupils started the next...